bangalore diaries#scribble#seeking#happiness#wings and wind

As if I don't have a notepad to was used to paper-pen mode than typing onto the screen..sometimes technology is blessing to escape boredom..rather escape faces..nobody disturbs you when you attend a call, when you put that headphone, when you are staring at the white screen, when you type these kind of nonsense. Long sentences...I loved them ever since I started writing. Never do they end. They expand twist and turn come to a standstill only when the whole meaning is about to loose. At that tip you stop for a while and think what am I writing. Right now am writing for my pleasure. I need not prove anything. I am this. Torn inside, in pain, seeker of a different genre, seeking that unknown...if that be so easy a figure as happy I might feel..but it isn't.

What do this soul seek forth?

How would this search end and when?

I can't find happiness. Is it so easy to be happy? Am uncommon. Less and less things exist which makes me happy. Trace asked me why do we always find it hard to adjust everywhere. Said, I don't actually know. We don't know. Some are born with the soul of a bird...and some with the soul of wind.

Happiness is an exception. I need wings. I wanna be the wind and let loose......wanna be the bird..see you from a distance..take aerial shots with my eyes...carry away the over and over the clouds...traverse distances with a single flight..creep inside and make you feel me...the wind the bird...Give my souls back.


  1. Tattered soul..fear and excitement before your journey begins..well get out of this game..haha one crazy thing is that your writings becoming more the game...and you gonna call me sick..


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