Was listening to ...''shyamayaam radhike..",from the Lal movie,sung by Chitra.

How dull this day is.

How can you cater these many nonsense the same day!

Our Head is on leave for 20 days & I badly miss her.

Found a beautiful card (I admit!!!)& a candlelight for my friend's b'day...sadly,I couldn't meet her the same day. Thought of giving her an hour glass,but couldn't find one! Couldn't's are worrying me,indeed. 

Tired,am I?

Currently reading,'Immortals of Melhua'. Note, the Frontline Feb.8 issue comes with a special feature on Swami Vivekananda.

Awaiting to scan the Kottayam Book Fair...plus,not to miss 'Lokpal'. 


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